Stop procrastination-How to complete all your work in almost half day

Stop procrastination-How to complete all your work in almost half day

As a professional, student, housewife, entrepreneur or whatever work you do, there is a list of task you need to do in a day.

Even if there is no disturbance still many times you may find yourself not able to complete your tasks because of your mind’s procrastination behavior. And make you take more than a day to complete the task which may be completed even in a half day.

So what is this procrastination and how to stop procrastination?

The meaning of procrastination is - the action of delaying or postponing something.

There are various factors for procrastination and you can avoid them to complete all of your work in a half day by not wasting time. And enjoy your rest of time.

Let's see these factors and ways for stopping procrastination.

1. Stop overwhelming yourself

You overwhelm yourself by many ways. You may assume you have to do everything at a time.
You may get distracted by thinking about all the other tasks which you have not gotten compete yet. And feel the list of task is endless.

This will lead to stop your current task and start worrying and thinking about other tasks. This will waste your most valuable time and you may not complete a task which is in your hand now. And you start procrastinating automatically.

To stop this just break all your tasks into small manageable and doable tasks and focus on each of them at their own time. Just focus on completing a part of doable task you have divided into chunks.

Imagine if you have to eat all the food of your life in a single day, how would you feel, or even if this is possible? No. you have to eat only that amount which you can eat on a day.

So just divide tasks, don't waste time by worrying about other tasks and don't get distracted. This is one simple method to stop procrastination.

2. Fight back automatic thought which says “I can’t do it”

There will always be an automatic thought before starting any task which will whisper in your mind saying “Oh I can’t do this task” or “I don't want to do this task now”. This is natural.

If the task is so simple which you can complete within a small time, then your mind may say two other automatic responses. It will either say “Let's complete this task now and get free” or “Oh this task is so easy. It can be done at any time later”.

You need to be cautious about the second response. This response will lead to waste of your time.

If the task is harder, then also mind will whisper the same thought - “Oh I can’t do this task”.

Just fight back with this thought by autosuggestion. Talkback with yourself that “I can do the task by managing it properly”. Just repeat this thought in mind and simply start working. This will save your time. To stop procrastination practice this positive thinking tip daily.

3. Make a to-do list with proper tasks arrangement

Make a to-do list for all the tasks you have to do in a day. Arrange all the tasks as per the difficulty level and assign proper priorities.

Identify the most difficult and time-consuming task and try to do it first. Make yourself free from that task.

The to-do list has a profound effect on productivity, as it makes your mind to do an arrangement in proper order. Which will wash out all the unnecessary steps your mind is thinking to complete the work.

This will make you build a good time management strategy.

4. Defeat fear of failure

Fear of failure is most common but very powerful feeling which leads you to procrastination. Because of this fear you don’t even try to start your task.

Fear of failure causes due to overgeneralization thinking. While in fear of failure you overgeneralize that if you fail in this work you may fail in each and every other work you do. This will leads you to paralyze mentally and you become unable to do any tasks.

The solution is thinking that failure type is not permanent. It will not be the end of the world even if you fail to do certain tasks. You can try them again.

5. Stay away from distractions as much as possible

There are many types of distraction. Some of them you can avoid and some not. Like someone talking aloud beside you, social media, emails, phone calls, etc.

Try to avoid these distractions by allocating them a separate time. Check your notifications in a small breaks only, not while you are working.

If someone talking loud or there are other people around you, or there may be any such distractions which change your focus, then tell yourself whatever you do there always be some sort of distraction around you. But you can just overlook them without giving any of attention to them.

Try the above tips to save the time as much as possible. This will surely help you to do all your tasks as fast as possible and you can complete your work in almost half a time you usually takes daily.

These tips to Stop procrastination is written with help these awesome books named The Power of Positive Thinking” By Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and David D., M.D. Burns, Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy” by David Burns.

Just click on the below images of books to know more about them in details.

Check these books following below image links.


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6 Positive thinking tips to attract success and happiness

positive thinking

There are many heavy things, which you find difficult to lift up. Negative thoughts are one of those heavyweight things. Though you can't really see them, surely you can feel them. And the positive thinking is the most energy giving and productive activity you need to follow.

What are negative thoughts?
Why they feel so heavy inside your head?
Why negative thoughts drains all of your energy and make you feel paralyzed?
How to overcome negative thoughts and think positive thoughts?

We will see answers to all the above questions and know how to make your life better with positive thinking.

Before starting about positive thinking, first of all, let's know what are negative thoughts?

There are all types of thoughts in our mind. Some thoughts make us feel happy and some make us sad.

Some thoughts bring us a profit and some loss.

Some thoughts make us laugh a lot and some make us cry.

Some thoughts make us feel courageous and some to be afraid.

Some make us angry and some make us feel the love.

And some of the thoughts just come and go from our mind without affecting us much.
I think you might have got some idea about the difference between negative and positive thoughts.

Negative thoughts are those thoughts which change your mood negatively. Which makes you sad, afraid and less confident and sometimes fill your mind with anger and hatred.

Can we control them? Can we eliminate them from our mind completely?

An answer to the second question is no but answer to the first question is yes.

Our mind is always full of thoughts, with some positive and some of the negative. We cant fully eliminate negative thoughts from our mind.

But we can change our thought process to convert negative thoughts into positive thoughts by following few simple but effective processes.

1. Use positive affirmations - do positive self-talk

Let us first see why negative thoughts come to our mind?

Remember when you were learning cycle for the first time (some of you might have not yet learned though) what thoughts came to your mind?

You might have thought that you would get fall from the cycle, you would get hurt badly and you would never learn a cycle in your whole life.

These are very natural thoughts. But these are negative ones. Actually, all of the negative thoughts which come to our mind are not to hurt us but some of them want to protect us.

It's actually a gift which makes us safe from many dangers. But only if these negative thoughts are in a certain amount.

Whatever you try to do, for the first time or even for the 100th time, there will always be a doubt in your mind, whether you can do it or not?
If you allow your doubt to take control of your mind, this will convert into powerful negative thought which comes automatically. And it's natural.

Always keep in mind that many times automatic negative thought may arrive in your mind as a natural phenomenon. But you can change this negative thought by positive thinking, for example - you can change the negative thought “I could not learn a cycle” by saying “I can learn a cycle by practice”. This will avoid procrastination thinking of your mind.

This is a positive affirmation. Tell yourself repeatedly that you can do all the things, you want to do.
Talk back to your negative automatic thoughts and replace them with positive self-talk, positive affirmations. Always remember, 1 positive thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative thought.

Just tell yourself that you will get whatever you want by doing right things required. This positive self-talk will make you feel happy and gives you a feeling of satisfaction and an energy to achieve the desired results.

2. Believe in yourself.

When any negative thought comes, you don't feel confident and vice versa.

Many times when you are not sure about your situations negative thoughts to start feeling inside your mind. Then the battle to tackle these negative feelings, negative thoughts get started inside your mind.

This causes lots of drainage of your mental energy. That's why your mind feels heavy and less energetic when in negative feelings.

But when you feel full confidence in your work, your mind actually generates an immense amount of energy to do any of your work. You become enthusiastic and complete the work you are on.

Why? Because when you feel confident you actually have full faith in your ability, in your knowledge, in your skills.

There is a famous phrase -

Eagle doesn't get afraid of sitting on a weak trunk if it gets broken.
Because eagle is having faith in its feathers and not in the trunk.

Same, when you make yourself confident by believing in yourself, by believing in your abilities, skills, and knowledge then you don't need to be afraid. You can tell yourself that you can accomplish your tasks definitely. This is called as a positive thinking.

Just look at you and tell yourself that you have all the abilities to achieve and get the things you want in your life. Just believe in yourself.

3. Surround yourself with positive people

When do you feel negative? When negative thoughts come inside your mind.

But there are external sources also, which may plant negative thoughts in your mind. These sources are the negative thinking people.

Even if you are feeling positive from the inside, but if any person started speaking negatively, having doubt in your ability then this will also lead to making you think negatively. These type of negative people are like energy suckers and negative environment makers.

Always try to identify such people around you and try to avoid them as much as possible. Stay away from any external source of negative energy. Keep them outside of your mind.

Positive thinking people also spread positive environment around them. Identify such positive people and be around those positive people.

4. Visualize positive situations

Rina was preparing her presentation for her meeting on next day. She was not feeling much confident while making a presentation, whether it will be good or not. She started having doubt about the quality of her presentation, because of her perfectionist behavior.

Her doubt becomes stronger and stronger while making a presentation. And she started thinking negatively. She was visualizing that - "on next day my presentation will not be good. I will make mistakes and my boss will not be happy.".
What happens on next day? She was so afraid about her meeting that she was not able to take proper sleep at night and wakes up late. Then she was in so hurry that she didn't have her breakfast.
Results, less energy, dull face and dull presentation. And her negative visualization becomes true.

This is a simple example of negative visualization. Instead, if she self-talk positively and visualize positive outcome here situation might be different.

Try to visualize positive outcomes. Visualize positive thoughts and situations. This will make your mind fill with energy to do things. You will relax and more productive to achieve your desired tasks.

5. Will you come outside and move forward only when all the signals are green?

Imagine you tell yourself that until and unless all the traffic signals on the road become green, you will not take your car out.

Sometimes we do this to all of our work. We wait for the time when all the situations become favorable to us. You think negatively that your current situation is not good enough to even try the things.

This thought process paralyzes you to take an action. Your mind becomes occupied with this “red signal feeling”. Just talk back and ask the question - “Will you come outside your house and move forward only when all the signals are green?”.

Tell yourself that situations will never always be perfectly favorable to you. You have to move forward, signals by signals. If you find in your path some situations as red signals, still try to move out, start working soon red signals will turn green.

6. Have a faith in God

It's your personal choice whether you believe in God or not. But having faith in God leads us to a most positive form of energy.

Think God as a fatherly figure who will always stand by you. Thank God for whatever you have and ask help to the God in every situation. This will give you relief and a sense of security.

When your mind feels relax it generates more energy and a chain of positive thoughts will flow in your mind. Just try it out to check the results.

The above article about positive thinking is written from the reference of awesome books named The Power of Positive Thinking” By Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and David D., M.D. Burns, Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy” by David Burns.

You can get more help on positive mindset and positive thinking lifestyle by reading these awesome books.

Check these books following below image links.


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7 Time management tips to get all your tasks done

7 Time management tips to get all your tasks done
You might have heard this phrase many times - “Time is money”. And it's true. If you want to achieve your goals you have to use your valuable time wisely with proper time management.

So that you may get benefited most by your work and get the most value of your time.

You can really make your time into money by following few awesome time management tips.

Time will never sufficient for you. Because you don't know how to do time management. Most of the time you set goals and try to achieve them in specific time frame but it gets difficult to stick with your goals.

Goals setting and achieving them is the greatest feeling for the human mind. As it gives immense satisfaction and satisfaction brings happiness.

To achieve your goals you need a certain amount of dedication and concentration. And most importantly the energy to complete the tasks required to achieve that goal completely.

Imagine if you become able to complete all those tasks you wish to do, how much greater success you can achieve in life. For that, you need to use your energy very efficiently and for this, you need to follow a good time management strategy and tips.

So let's see the reasons you are not able to complete the tasks and how to overcome those reason with most effective time management tips to achieve the goals and get success in your work.

1. Avoid perfectionism

You may want to do all of your tasks perfectly. You may want everything you do so perfect and awesome that there should not be present any mistake and your works also look better than others.

But this thinking not only brings you a stress but also wastes your valuable time. Why? Because you never feel satisfied with your work, whatever you do.

You may always think that there is always something missing in your work and you try hard to make it better and better.

Result? Only stress and dissatisfaction of non-completion of work. And most importantly the wastage of your valuable time in making impossible-perfection to possible.

The truth is “Nothing is perfect” in this world and never ever be. You first need to accept this truth. There will always be room to make things better from the way they are.

So just try to avoid the perfectionist behavior. Accept that you just need to complete the tasks first. There may be mistakes in your tasks but first, try to just complete it without having an expectation to make it perfect in First Go.

You can revisit the task and check for the mistakes and correct them. But first, try to complete the task, keeping in mind whatever you do will not be perfect. And you can make it better on next go.

This will give you the satisfaction of completion. Yes there will be a feeling of not completing the task perfectly and you may feel little fear of criticism because of non-perfectionism but it's okay.

Feel that feeling and stay with it, that feeling will fade off after some time.

2. Avoid multitasking

Always try to do and focus on one task at a time. I was making a mistake of doing multitasking and was not able to focus on any of the tasks fully.

What I was doing is while writing a blog I was keeping my television on, watching news or songs alongside. So I was always getting distracted by TV and not focusing completely on writing a blog.

Also, we try to start many things at once. We think that we can manage all the tasks after starting. But it really becomes very difficult to focus when we try to work on different things together.

What happens when you do multitasking?

Your mind takes at least 30 to 50 seconds to concentrate on a work you do. But because of distractions your mind loses that time to concentration and gets distracted.

This will leads to more energy consumption by the mind and mind will waste energy to again focus on the previous task and results in wastage of valuable time plus energy.

So for better time management, its always good to do one task at a time and focus completely on it.

3. Don't overwhelm yourself, divide the task into smaller parts

Many times you find that the task you are doing looks very big and sometimes feels impossible to complete. This is an “overwhelming” feeling.

You feel so afraid that even you become unable to start your desired task. And this leads to procrastination.

To avoid this overwhelming feeling just divide your task into smaller doable tasks. And focus one of them at a time.

This will result in managing tasks realistically and avoid your procrastination also.
This time management tip is very helpful for doing big projects and managing them. You can see this in more details in the topic Stop procrastination-How to complete all your work in almost half day.

4. Avoid fear of failure

You may also avoid starting your task because of fear of failure. This fear will work so strong that you don't even try to start your task.

You may fear that if you fail at the task to do properly you will be a failure all over your life. This will lead to lack of confidence.

This is also an overwhelming fear. And paralyze you to even try the thing out.

To avoid this fear always say to yourself “I don't need to be afraid of failure. It not the end of the world. I can try again.”. Avoid fear of failure and start working on your tasks. Have a positive thinking.

Always try to focus on the process of doing the task and enjoy doing it, instead of focusing on the outcome of your work.

5. Have a to-do list

Its very common but very very effective time management technique, to have a to-do list.
Just make a simple list of all the tasks that you need to do. Make a rough draft first. Then add the sequence to this list on the basis of importance and assign a priority number to each task.

This to-do list will clear your mind about which task needs more attention and time. Keep a small diary with yourself to make a to-do list.
Also on other pages, if necessary and if you feel, also write down the steps required to do the tasks, listed on your to-do list.

This simple but effective technique will improve your performance drastically. Just try it out.

6. Use 80/20 principle

As per 80/20 principle, you will get 80 percent of success because of only 20 percent of the work you do effectively.

For example, Microsoft identified that by fixing top 20% of most reported bugs 80% of the related errors and crashes in given system can be eliminated.

Also in athlete training, only 20% of exercises habits have 80% of the impact. So the trainee should not focus so much on all the other less important training.

Meaning is that you need to identify which tasks in your projects or a work will give you maximum outcome and which are the most important to complete first and focusing on them mostly, instead of cluttering your mind with so many less important tasks.

Follow this 80/20 principle for efficient time management and see the results.

7. Take rest

Your mind will only able to concentrate for maximum 30 to 40 minute at a single sitting. After that, you automatically try to find out distractions.

It's a natural phenomenon. Your mind tries to take a short break after a certain time frame because of its use of mental energy. After taking a rest mind recharges itself and again gets ready to work.

Just try to take short breaks of 5 mins after 40 mins. Stretch your hands and legs or just close your eyes and sit quietly for some time. This will refresh your mind and you will return with your battery fully recharge.
Decide at what time you have to stop working and strictly take a rest for a day. Always keep in mind, that your mind is not a machine. It's a muscle just like other muscles in your body. Muscles get tired after doing some work. You have to give them rest.

Similarly give rest to your mind also. This will improve your efficiency and the time you take to do your task will also get reduced.

Try to follow above 7 tips for efficient time management. Follow these tips regularly with consistency and you will see the results.

Always remember good result takes time and you can manage the time.

This article about Time management is written from the reference of awesome books named The Power of Positive Thinking” By Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and David D., M.D. Burns, Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy” by David Burns.

You can get more help on Time management, positive mindset and positive thinking lifestyle by reading these awesome books.

Check these books following below image links.